Health and Safety Reminder
Please do not send your student to school with any cold/flu symptoms. We are having students show up with runny noses and coughs and are having to send them home. We are trying really hard to keep our school open and follow health and safety guidelines. Please help us by monitoring for symptoms in the morning and keeping students home when they are not feeling well. Thank you!
Arrival and Dismissal
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding during arrival and dismissal. I think we are finally getting a rhythm down that feels better than the first couple of days. Here are some ways that everyone can help to keep things safe for students:
Go Slow. Whether it is raining or sunny, please go slow and take your time.
Walk, Bike, or Ride the Bus. Any time you can help limit the number of cars, it is appreciated.
Financial Assistance Available
The Olympia School District Education Foundation provides support to families in need. With their support, we can help with:
We can also provide grocery vouchers to Ralph’s or Bayview grocery stores and gas vouchers to help with transportation.
Please reach out directly to Mr. Shaughnessy if you need assistance of any kind.
Free Breakfast and Lunch Every Day
Our school offers free breakfast and lunch every day to any student. No application or paperwork necessary.
Safety Drills at Roosevelt

Safety drills happen every month during the school year and include fire, earthquake, and intruder drills.
During drills, we work hard to talk with kids about safety protocols in ways that are sensitive to their developmental needs. We put a strong emphasis on the importance of listening to teachers and following their lead. Teachers have a variety of strategies they can use and are asked to use their judgement in the moment to decide the best course of action for meeting the needs of their students.
Equity Driven Practices at Roosevelt
Here at Roosevelt, we have two initiatives designed to meet the individual needs of our students. We understand that each student is unique and has their own developmental needs.
Restorative Practices Framework: We emphasize relationships before rigor at Roosevelt. We believe that students learn best when they feel safe and connected in their classroom community. We work hard to teach students how to create productive learning environments and how their behaviors impact others. When harm is done, we work with students to repair the relationships together. This moves us away from a traditional discipline model.
Universal Design: From an instructional standpoint, we are committed to helping each student reach their full potential. We believe that ALL students can learn at high levels, but that each student comes to the table with different needs. In the classrooms, we are creating center-based and/or small group learning environments. These frameworks allow teachers to work with students in more focused ways during the day, so they can individualize their approaches with each student. We know that one size does not fit all and are committed to meeting the unique needs of every student.
Homework Policy (K-5)

This year, I am asking my teachers to avoid homework. Research clearly shows that homework has a negative impact on students at the elementary level. Oftentimes, students are not ready for independent practice with the work that comes home. This causes them to practice the new skill in an incorrect way. This also
puts parents in a difficult situation, trying to teach a skill that they may/may not be familiar with. Many families also do not have the capacity to create space in their day to help with homework.
We hope that this provides families with the time they need to do other activities outside of school and spend time together. If you are looking for something enriching for your student to do or to do with them, reading is a great option. Have them read independently, outloud to someone else in the home, and/or read to them. A combination of some or all of these options is great!
Conference Week
Conference week happens during the last week of October. This time is set aside for families to meet with teachers and discuss how students are progressing in the curriculum. During conferences, we will be able to tell you how your child is performing related to grade level standards. 
This year, teachers will have a choice when it comes to conferences. They will be able to choose to hold conferences in-person or remotely through Zoom. As a parent, you will also have a choice between in person or Zoom (if your teacher is available to do in-person conferences).
Conferences will be scheduled on October 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th between the hours of 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM. We will use Skyward Family Access for scheduling conferences. Scheduling will open at 8:00 AM on Monday, October 11th. If you run into any issues with scheduling, please contact the main office at 360-596-6700.
Click Here for Skyward Click Here To Reset Your Password
School Improvement Planning Process
Every year, our school creates a School Improvement Plan (SIP). The SIP is directly connected to the OSD student outcomes and includes measurable goals that we will work to meet through the school year.
In planning for our 2021-2022 SIP, we are seeking feedback from all stakeholders, including families. Please take 5 minutes to complete this survey. For those not able to complete the survey, we will be reaching out in the near future to complete the survey via phone. Our team will use your feedback to develop our plan, and will share drafts of our plan along the way to ensure it is meeting the needs of our students and families.
Fall Assessment Plan
Coming out of the pandemic, it is really important that we engage with assessment this fall to see where each student is on the learning continuum for reading, writing, and math. Here is what we have planned for the fall:
The Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) for 4th and 5th grades are modified assessments from the spring of last year. Each of the assessments should take less than an hour to complete. The SBA assessments this fall will assess skills from last year. This will really help us know if students mastered concepts from the previous year.
The Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments are district-wide assessments that happen three times per year. These assessments should take students about 35-40 minutes to complete. This is a computer adaptive assessment that adjusts for difficulty as students progress through the questions. The purpose of this assessment is to help identify where students sit on the learning continuum.
These assessments will help us better meet each student’s needs, as the assessment results will help inform how we individualize our approach for students in the small group instruction settings that we are focused on this year.
All dates have been added to the calendar on the next page. Please try to avoid scheduling appointments during these times. All assessments will begin by 8:30 AM and be done about an hour later.
1-2 Reading Fluency MAP
3-5 MAP Reading
1:35 PM Intruder Drill
1-2 Math MAP
1:25 PM
Early Release
3-5 Math MAP
No School Teacher Inservice
Conference Scheduling begins in Family Access
1-2 Reading MAP
6:30 PM PTA Mtg.
1:25 PM
Early Release
3-5 Reading MAP
Vision/Hearing Screening
6:30 PM OSD Board Mtg.
1:25 PM
Early Release
10:25 AM Earthquake Drill
⅘ Math SBA
Conference Week Tuesday through Friday (26th, 27th, 28th, 29th)
Dismissal at 11:05 AM
PTA News
Welcome back Ravens! Your PTA is off to a great start this year! We have over 60 new members and our first meeting was a huge success! While life isn’t quite back to normal yet, the PTA has multiple events and projects planned in the coming months! Contact Eowyn Grubbs at [email protected] with questions or to see how you can help! It’s never too late to join the PTA by going to http://www.myrooseveltpta.org/join-the-pta and filling out the electronic form. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 12th at 6:30pm over zoom.
Spirit Wear
The Ravens are the best, and we love to show off our school spirit with t-shirts, hoodies, hats, and more sporting the Roosevelt Raven’s logo designed by Olympia’s own Nikki McClure! The spirit wear online shop will be open the entire month of October and items will come home with your student in mid-November. https://roosevelt2020apparel.itemorder.com/sale
Garden Work Party
The PTA is planning a work party in October, date TBD, to spruce up the garden in front of the school. We will be pruning, spreading mulch, and removing a few plants that didn't survive the summer heat waves. Email [email protected] for more details!
"Kids lose themselves in books. They find themselves there too."-Lewis Keegan
Mark your calendars! Read-a-thon will start on 11/1 and go through 11/17. We love reading and want to help foster the love of reading within our school. If you're thinking, "didn't we just do read-a-thon in the spring", you're correct, we did. We are moving it up this year with the hope that spring will bring our school community the opportunity to have an in person fundraising event. Please look for more info to come home in your child's blue folder as we get closer to November.
Chipotle Night
10/27/2021 from 4-8pm
Last spring we held a Chipotle Night fundraiser. We had a great response to it and have decided to do another. A flyer will go home in your child's blue folder closer to the event, and we will create a Facebook event as well. Please come out and support our school and take a night off from cooking!