Raven Review
December 2021

Panorama Family Survey
Thank you to those who have already completed the family survey. So far we have just over 100 families who have completed the survey.
Here is the link to the survey. Thank you for taking time to help us reflect and improve.
Health and Safety Reminder
Please do not send your student to school with any cold/flu symptoms. Please help us by monitoring for symptoms in the morning and keeping students home when they are not feeling well. Here is a link to the new flowcharts that the Thurston County Health department provided to school districts. Thank you!
Extra Clothing For Students
With the wet weather and muddy grassy areas on the playground, I would love to see extra clothes in all student backpacks. If you have the ability to put an extra pair of underwear, socks, pants, and shirt in a ziplock bag in the bottom of the backpack, it would really help us take care of our kids during the day. It will also help us not have to call you during the day to bring a change of clothes because of a slip and fall on the playground.
Names on Student Clothing

Another great thing to do is put student names on all clothing that might be removed during recess time (hats, gloves, coats, sweatshirts). Our lost and found is overflowing with items left behind. If a name is on the clothing item, we will return it directly to the student instead of putting it in the lost and found. Thank you for your help with this.
Winter Break December 20th - 31st
Winter break will run the 20th through the 31st. School will resume on January 3rd.

Volunteering At Roosevelt
We are working hard to get volunteers back in the building by January. What I know right now is that volunteers are allowed in limited numbers. Volunteers must be background checked and show proof of vaccination. I will also schedule a mandatory volunteer training for the first week back to school in January.
I am currently in the process of putting together a list of needs in the building that we hope volunteers will be able to help with. At some point in December, I will publish a sign-up genius for specific tasks at specific times during the weeks ahead.
For now, if you think you might be interested in volunteering, please complete the background check. Here is the link to the form.

After School Programs at Roosevelt
With the change in start times at the elementary level, one of the needs I am hearing about is the need for after school enrichment for students.
Right now, we are working really hard to create afterschool programs at zero cost to families so that students have enrichment opportunities throughout the week. To pull this off, we are partnering with our fabulous PTA and the Olympia School District Education Foundation to provide funding to make these programs possible.
While details are still being ironed out, you can expect to be able to choose from some really amazing programs. We will likely have programs that have students engaging with hands-on STEM activities, robotics, chess, dance, foreign language, and much, much more! Each club will be scheduled to run one day per week, after school, for about an hour.
We are trying to run 2 6-week sessions. The first 6-week session will run from January through March. The second session will run April through May/June.
Stay tuned for more information. I am trying to get sign-up sheets out to families prior to leaving for Winter Break so that we are ready to go for the first 6-week session in January.
Financial Assistance Available
The Olympia School District Education Foundation provides support to families in need. With their support, we can help with:
- Rent and utility bills
- Clothing and shoes
- Eye exams and prescription glasses for students
- Transportation
- School supplies
- School-related expenses
- Internet through Xfinity and so much more...
We can also provide grocery vouchers to Ralph’s or Bayview grocery stores and gas vouchers to help with transportation.
Please reach out directly to Mrs. Eussen if you need assistance of any kind.
Safety Drills at Roosevelt

Safety drills happen every month during the school year and include fire, earthquake, and intruder drills.
This month, we will begin practicing emergency drills during non-predictable times during the day. It is important to me that students know how to respond in an emergency, no matter where they are in the school. Our first goal will be to teach students how to respond if there is an emergency during recess. We will start by having classroom teachers show students where they line up on the field in the event of an emergency. We will then run a full fire drill and practice lining up from recess with minimal adult prompting. While it is nice to just be able to quietly line up and follow your teacher, we all know that emergency situations are rarely this predictable.
Later in the year, we are going to practice what it looks like to go through our reunification process with families in the event of a major emergency where we need to close schools and send students home. I will be looking for families to help me with this process. More details to come in the new year.
Early Release @ 1:25 PM
Sweetlee’s Ice Cream 12:00 PM-9:00 PM
Early Release @ 1:25 PM
Read-a-Thon Results Announced
Early Release @ 1:25 PM
No School
Winter Break
No School
Winter Break
No School
Winter Break
No School
Winter Break
No School
Winter Break
No School
Winter Break
No School
Winter Break
No School
Winter Break
No School
Winter Break
No School
Winter Break
Food Drive

All Olympia School district elementary schools on the eastside are partnering with Olympia High School students to run a canned food drive through December 10th.
Between now and December 10th, students can bring cans or boxes of nutritional food to school. I will have a donation box located in the front entryway.
Students can also bring monetary donations in the form of cash or checks (Checks made payable to Thurston County Food Bank). All money can be turned into the main office.
PTA News
Happy December, Roosevelt Ravens! You PTA wishes each of you a safe and happy holiday season! There are quite a few fun and exciting projects coming together in the new year!
Please note there is no PTA meeting in December. We are crossing all our fingers and toes that the next PTA meeting will be in person on January 18th at 6:30pm. The PTA will follow the same COVID protocols as the school does for volunteers in the building, which will likely mean showing proof of vaccination to attend. We are also setting up a zoom link for those that want a virtual option to attend.
If you haven't signed up for volunteer opportunities yet, you can fill out this google form to submit your interest in any number of committees.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
We are excited to host a fundraiser with Sweetlee's ice cream truck December 5th 12-9pm! They opened during the pandemic and use locally sourced ingredients when possible by supporting other local businesses to make small batch, homemade ice cream. This is the same day as our December playground meetup. Let your kid(s) burn some energy then go get some ice cream!
Sweetlee's offers scoops and pints. 25% of proceeds will go back to Roosevelt PTA. Tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, and coworkers! Anyone can support our school by just mentioning they're there for the Roosevelt PTA fundraiser.
They are located on the Westside, right behind the Taco truck on Harrison(if you hit the McDonalds you've gone too far). Help support our school and a local small business on December 5th!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 11th annual Read-A-Thon! Please take the time to fill out this Google Form to fill out reading minutes for your students. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Bowen @ [email protected]
This year's performance will be Willy Wonka. The play is open to 3-5 grade, and sign up forms will be going home in blue folders after winter break. The show can accommodate up to 30 students on a first come, first served basis with a waitlist after all roles are filled. Practice runs every afternoon from 1/31-2/24 with performances on the 24th and 25th of February.
We're so excited to be able to put on a play this year! As you know, it takes a village to be able to bring these fun activities to Roosevelt! We're still needing parents to volunteer for several helpful roles for the upcoming play in February! Our parents make our events great!
Feel free to contact Aniysa Zuchowski at [email protected] with any questions or to sign up for any open volunteer spot.
What we need:
Parent volunteers for after school rehearsals, to check kids in and out
Concession booth on performance nights
Concession coordinator
Ticket sales
Usher/door help